Articles | Volume 38, issue 5
Regular paper
20 Oct 2020
Regular paper |  | 20 Oct 2020

Helium in the Earth's foreshock: a global Vlasiator survey

Markus Battarbee, Xóchitl Blanco-Cano, Lucile Turc, Primož Kajdič, Andreas Johlander, Vertti Tarvus, Stephen Fuselier, Karlheinz Trattner, Markku Alho, Thiago Brito, Urs Ganse, Yann Pfau-Kempf, Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti, Tomas Karlsson, Savvas Raptis, Maxime Dubart, Maxime Grandin, Jonas Suni, and Minna Palmroth


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Short summary
We investigate the dynamics of helium in the foreshock, a part of near-Earth space found upstream of the Earth's bow shock. We show how the second most common ion in interplanetary space reacts strongly to plasma waves found in the foreshock. Spacecraft observations and supercomputer simulations both give us a new understanding of the foreshock edge and how to interpret future observations.