Articles | Volume 37, issue 4
Regular paper
24 Jul 2019
Regular paper |  | 24 Jul 2019

Analysis of a southern sub-polar short-term ozone variation event using a millimetre-wave radiometer

Pablo Facundo Orte, Elian Wolfram, Jacobo Salvador, Akira Mizuno, Nelson Bègue, Hassan Bencherif, Juan Lucas Bali, Raúl D'Elia, Andrea Pazmiño, Sophie Godin-Beekmann, Hirofumi Ohyama, and Jonathan Quiroga


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Short summary
We analysed an event of short-term ozone variability due to the passage of the polar vortex over Río Gallegos (southern Argentina) with the aim of highlighting the capability of a millimetre-wave radiometer to observe ozone in the stratosphere and the low mesosphere with a high temporal resolution. It is particularly important in this subpolar region due to the high variation that this gas can suffer as a consequence of the passage of the polar vortex and the ozone hole during spring.