Articles | Volume 36, issue 4
ANGEO Communicates
 | Highlight paper
02 Jul 2018
ANGEO Communicates | Highlight paper |  | 02 Jul 2018

Transfer entropy and cumulant-based cost as measures of nonlinear causal relationships in space plasmas: applications to Dst

Jay R. Johnson, Simon Wing, and Enrico Camporeale


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Short summary
The magnetospheric response to the solar wind is nonlinear. Information theoretical tools are able to characterize the nonlinearities in the system. We show that nonlinear significance of Dst peaks at lags of 3–12 hours which can be attributed to VBs, which also exhibits similar behavior. However, the nonlinear significance that peaks at lags of 25, 50, and 90 hours can be attributed to internal dynamics, which may be related to the relaxation of the ring current.