Articles | Volume 36, issue 5
Regular paper
19 Sep 2018
Regular paper |  | 19 Sep 2018

Multiscale variation model and activity level estimation algorithm of the Earth's magnetic field based on wavelet packets

Oksana V. Mandrikova, Igor S. Solovyev, Sergey Y. Khomutov, Vladimir V. Geppener, Dmitry M. Klionskiy, and Mikhail I. Bogachev


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Short summary
Data analysis of the geomagnetic field is needed for space weather prediction. Conventional techniques do not always provide sufficient efficiency. We suggest new techniques for processing and analyzing geomagnetic data based on the wavelet transform for studying the dynamics and spatiotemporal distribution of geomagnetic perturbations. The paper discusses prestorm short-term increases of geomagnetic activity and the features of different magnetospheric processes for increased solar activity.