Articles | Volume 36, issue 4
Regular paper
21 Aug 2018
Regular paper |  | 21 Aug 2018

Relative positions of the polar boundary of the outer electron radiation belt and the equatorial boundary of the auroral oval

Maria O. Riazanteseva, Elizaveta E. Antonova, Marina V. Stepanova, Boris V. Marjin, Ilia A. Rubinshtein, Vera O. Barinova, and Nikita V. Sotnikov


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Short summary
The position of the external boundary of the outer electron radiation belt (ORB), relative to the auroral oval's position, is hard to determine. It was done using simultaneous measurements of energetic and auroral electrons onboard METEOR-M1. Our analysis shows that the ORB boundary is often located inside the auroral oval and that the number of such events increases with growing geomagnetic activity. These results are relevant to our understanding of the topology of the geomagnetic field.