Articles | Volume 35, issue 1
Regular paper
13 Jan 2017
Regular paper |  | 13 Jan 2017

Vertical wavenumber spectra of three-dimensional winds revealed by radiosonde observations at midlatitude

Shao Dong Zhang, Chun Ming Huang, Kai Ming Huang, Ye Hui Zhang, Yun Gong, and Quan Gan

Data sets

Radiosonde data Stratospheric Processes and Their Role in Climate Data Center

Short summary
We present the first statistical results of vertical wind fluctuation spectra, which revealed a very shallow spectral structure, with mean slopes of −0.58 and −0.23 in the troposphere and lower stratosphere, respectively. No existing spectral theories can comprehensively explain the observed three-dimensional wind spectra, indicating that the spectral features of atmospheric fluctuations are far from fully understood.