Articles | Volume 33, issue 6
Regular paper
12 Jun 2015
Regular paper |  | 12 Jun 2015

The MAGIC of CINEMA: first in-flight science results from a miniaturised anisotropic magnetoresistive magnetometer

M. O. Archer, T. S. Horbury, P. Brown, J. P. Eastwood, T. M. Oddy, B. J. Whiteside, and J. G. Sample

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The first in-flight results from a new design of miniaturised magnetometer (MAGIC - MAGnetometer from Imperial College), aboard the first CINEMA (Cubesat for Ions, Neutrals, Electrons and MAgnetic fields) spacecraft in low Earth orbit, are presented. Not only can this sensor be used for determining attitude, but it is also able to detect the extremely small (20-40 nT) magnetic field signatures of field-aligned currents at the auroral oval. Thus, there are science capabilities with such sensors.