Articles | Volume 33, issue 1
Regular paper
15 Jan 2015
Regular paper |  | 15 Jan 2015

Dipolarization fronts in the near-Earth space and substorm dynamics

I. I. Vogiatzis, A. Isavnin, Q.-G. Zong, E. T. Sarris, S. W. Lu, and A. M. Tian


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Short summary
Magnetospheric substorms are one of the most important phenomena occurring in planetary magnetotails, dynamically reconfiguring the near- planet space environment. They encompass various fundamental processes of plasma acceleration and transport in the magnetosphere/ionosphere. The key features of the paper are a new magnetospheric substorm model, a new explanation about the origin of dipolarization fronts (DFs), and a new explanation for energetic ion acceleration/injection in front of DFs.