Articles | Volume 33, issue 5
Regular paper
26 May 2015
Regular paper |  | 26 May 2015

Ionization and NO production in the polar mesosphere during high-speed solar wind streams: model validation and comparison with NO enhancements observed by Odin-SMR

S. Kirkwood, A. Osepian, E. Belova, J. Urban, K. Pérot, and A. K. Sinha


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Short summary
High-speed streams of particles from the Sun can cause high-energy electrons to be precipitated into the Earth's middle atmosphere at polar latitudes. The paper develops and tests a model for how these particles can change the amount of a trace gas, nitric oxide, which has the potential to destroy stratospheric ozone. Model calculations agree well with observations by the Odin satellite of increased nitric oxide over Antarctica associated with high-speed solar wind streams.