Articles | Volume 33, issue 3
Regular paper
17 Mar 2015
Regular paper |  | 17 Mar 2015

Outflow of low-energy O+ ion beams observed during periods without substorms

G. K. Parks, E. Lee, S. Y. Fu, M. Fillingim, I. Dandouras, Y. B. Cui, J. Hong, and H. Rème


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Short summary
Ions from Earth's ionosphere continually escape into space. This article examines ions escaping the auroral oval, a region in the polar region of Earth where auroras occur. Previous works have shown that ionospheric ions escape during active auroras, and more as the intensity of the aurora increases. In contrast, we have examined times of no auroras and find that ions are still escaping the auroral ionosphere. These escaping ions are an important source of auroral ions in the magnetosphere.