Articles | Volume 32, issue 11
Regular paper
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28 Nov 2014
Regular paper | Highlight paper |  | 28 Nov 2014

A comparison between VEGA 1, 2 and Giotto flybys of comet 1P/Halley: implications for Rosetta

M. Volwerk, K.-H. Glassmeier, M. Delva, D. Schmid, C. Koenders, I. Richter, and K. Szegö


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Short summary
We discuss three flybys (within an 8-day time span) of comet 1P/Halley by VEGA 1, 2 and Giotto. Looking at two different plasma phenomena: mirror mode waves and field line draping; we study the differences in SW--comet interaction between these three flybys. We find that on this time scale (comparable to Rosetta's orbits) there is a significant difference, both caused by changing outgassing rate of the comet and changes in the solar wind. We discuss implications for Rosetta RPC observations.