Articles | Volume 17, issue 2
28 Feb 1999
28 Feb 1999

Meridional equatorial electrojet current in the American sector

R. G. Rastogi

Abstract. Huancayo is the only equatorial electrojet station where the daytime increase of horizontal geomagnetic field (H) is associated with a simultaneous increase of eastward geomagnetic field (Y). It is shown that during the counter electrojet period when ∆H is negative, ∆Y also becomes negative. Thus, the diurnal variation of ∆Y at equatorial latitudes is suggested to be a constituent part of the equatorial electrojet current system. Solar flares are known to increase the H field at an equatorial station during normal electrojet conditions (nej). At Huancayo, situated north of the magnetic equator, the solar flare effect, during nej, consists of positive impulses in H and Y and negative impulse in Z field. During counter electrojet periods (cej), a solar flare produces a negative impulse in H and Y and a positive impulse in Z at Huancayo. It is concluded that both the zonal and meridional components of the equatorial electrojet in American longitudes, as in Indian longitudes, flows in the same, E region of the ionosphere.

Key words. Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism (dynamo theories) · Ionosphere (equatorial ionosphere; ionosphere disturbances)