30 Jun 1997
A theoretical verification of intensity of plasmaspheric ELF hiss emissions: theory versus GEOS-1 observations
Ann. Geophys., 15, 597–602,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Nongyrotropy in magnetoplasmas: simulation of wave excitation and phase-space diffusion
Ann. Geophys., 15, 603–613,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Field line resonances in discretized magnetospheric models: an artifact study
Ann. Geophys., 15, 614–624,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Influence of the finite ionospheric conductivity on dispersive, nonradiative field line resonances
Ann. Geophys., 15, 625–633,
1997 30 Jun 1997
High spatial and temporal resolution observations of an impulse-driven field line resonance in radar backscatter artificially generated with the Tromsø heater
Ann. Geophys., 15, 634–644,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Simultaneous conjugate ground-satellite ULF pulsation measurements at the middle latitudes
Ann. Geophys., 15, 645–655,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Low frequency geomagnetic field fluctuations at low latitude during the passage of a higher pressure solar wind region
Ann. Geophys., 15, 656–661,
1997 30 Jun 1997
The effect of the high-speed stream following the corotating interaction region on the geomagnetic activities
Ann. Geophys., 15, 662–670,
1997 30 Jun 1997
The response of the magnetosphere to the passage of a coronal mass ejection on March 20−21 1990
Ann. Geophys., 15, 671–684,
1997 30 Jun 1997
The ionospheric response to flux transfer events: the first few minutes
Ann. Geophys., 15, 685–691,
1997 30 Jun 1997
CUTLASS/IMAGE observations of high-latitude convection features during substorms
Ann. Geophys., 15, 692–702,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Initial backscatter occurrence statistics from the CUTLASS HF radars
Ann. Geophys., 15, 703–718,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Statistics of the largest geomagnetic storms per solar cycle (1844-1993)
Ann. Geophys., 15, 719–728,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Characteristics of VHF radiowave scintillations over a solar cycle (1983−1993) at a low-latitude station: Waltair (17.7°N, 83.3°E)
Ann. Geophys., 15, 729–733,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Changes in cosmic ray cut-off rigidities due to secular variations of the geomagnetic field
Ann. Geophys., 15, 734–739,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Structure of the poleward wall of the trough and the inclination of the geomagnetic field above the EISCAT radar
Ann. Geophys., 15, 740–746,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Determination of the vertical electron-density profile in ionospheric tomography: experimental results
Ann. Geophys., 15, 747–752,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Observations and model calculations of an additional layer in the topside ionosphere above Fortaleza, Brazil
Ann. Geophys., 15, 753–759,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Flow angle dependence for the asymmetry of broad 50-MHz coherent echoes at large magnetic aspect angles
Ann. Geophys., 15, 760–766,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Currents and turbulence in and near mid-latitude sporadic E-layers caused by strong acoustic impulses
Ann. Geophys., 15, 767–773,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Up-down asymmetry of type I plasma waves in the equatorial electrojet region
Ann. Geophys., 15, 774–778,
1997 30 Jun 1997
A study of the Joule and Lorentz inputs in the production of atmospheric gravity waves in the upper thermosphere
Ann. Geophys., 15, 779–785,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Doppler radar spectral width broadening due to beamwidth and wind shear
Ann. Geophys., 15, 786–796,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Mesospheric energy loss rates by OH and O2 emissions at 23°S
Ann. Geophys., 15, 797–804,
1997 30 Jun 1997
A statistical study of underestimates of wind speeds by VHF radar
Ann. Geophys., 15, 805–812,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Long-period unstable gravity-waves and associated VHF radar echoes
Ann. Geophys., 15, 813–822,
1997 30 Jun 1997
Two-dimensional structure of mountain wave observed by aircraft during the PYREX experiment
Ann. Geophys., 15, 823–839,
1997 30 Jun 1997
A statistical analysis for pattern recognition of small cloud particles sampled with a PMS-2DC probe
Ann. Geophys., 15, 840–846,