Articles | Volume 14, issue 12
Special issue:
31 Dec 1996
31 Dec 1996

Auroral ionospheric conductivities: a comparison between experiment and modeling, and theoretical f10.7-dependent model for EISCAT and ESR

J. Lilensten, P. L. Blelly, W. Kofman, and D. Alcaydé

Abstract. Several authors have published models of auroral conductances in the past. Some of them are based on theoretical approaches; others are the result of observations. The data bases for the latter models range from 8 h to 3 years of experiments. In this paper, we show the results of our own modeling, based on a coupled ki- netic/fluid approach. We compare these results to the sta- tistical model based on 3 years of experiment. We then model the auroral ionospheric conductances above EISCAT and the EISCAT-Svalbard Radar for different solar-activity indices. These modeled conductances are fitted with a simple law depending on the f10.7 index and on the solar zenith angle.

Special issue