08 Dec 2020
 | 08 Dec 2020
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Neutral air turbulence in the mesosphere and associated polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSEs)

Alireza Mahmoudian, Mike J. Kosch, Wayne A. Scales, Michael T. Rietveld, and Henry Pinedo

Abstract. This paper presents the first simultaneous four radar frequency observations of the PMSE region under varying neutral air turbulence conditions. Radar frequencies of 8, 56, 224, and 930 MHz are used in this study. Three days of experimental observations associated with EISCAT are presented. Numerical simulations of mesospheric dusty/ice plasma associated with the observed radar frequencies are presented. The effect of neutral air turbulence on the generation and strength of plasma density perturbations associated with PMSE using four radar frequencies and in the presence of various dust parameters is investigated. Using the model it is shown that the well-known neutral air turbulence in presence of heavy dust particles, so-called fossil turbulence, can largely explain the observed radar cross-section at four radar frequencies. The effect of initial turbulence amplitude along with dust charging and diffusion in the presence of various dust parameters is investigated using the computational model. Specifically, the response of diffusion to charging time scales, plasma density fluctuation amplitude to the background dusty plasma parameters are discussed. Several key parameters in dusty plasma responsible for the PMSE observations are determined.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Alireza Mahmoudian, Mike J. Kosch, Wayne A. Scales, Michael T. Rietveld, and Henry Pinedo

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Alireza Mahmoudian, Mike J. Kosch, Wayne A. Scales, Michael T. Rietveld, and Henry Pinedo
Alireza Mahmoudian, Mike J. Kosch, Wayne A. Scales, Michael T. Rietveld, and Henry Pinedo


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Short summary
The polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSE) are very strong radar echoes observed in the frequency range of 2 MHz up to 1 GHz. Such radar echoes are attributed to the ice clouds formed in the mesosphere and are widely believed to link to global climate change. PMSEs are coherent echoes produced by plasma density fluctuations at half the radar wavelengts. This paper investigates the unresolved problem of short durability of plasma fluctuations at smaller wavelengths in upper atmospheric physics.