25 May 2020
 | 25 May 2020
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Variability of Relativistic Electron Flux (E > 2 MeV) during Geo-Magnetically Quiet and Disturbed days: A Case Study

Tulsi Thapa, Binod Adhikari, Prashrit Baruwal, and Kiran Pudasainee

Abstract. We analyzed the relativistic electron fluxes (E > 2 MeV) during three different geomagnetic storms: moderate, intense, and super-intense and one geo-magnetically quiet period. We have opted Continuous wavelet analysis and cross-correlation technique to extend current understanding and of the radiation-belt dynamics. We found that the fluctuation of relativistic electron fluxes dependent basically on prolonged southward interplanetary magnetic field IMF-Bz. Cross-correlation analysis depicted that SYM-H does not show a strong connection either with relativistic electron enhancement events or persistent depletion events. Our result supports the fact that geomagnetic storms are not a primary factor that pumps up the radiation belt. In fact they seem event specific; either depletion or enhancement or slight effect on the outer radiation belt might be observed depending on the event. Solar wind pressure and velocity were found to be highly and positively correlated with relativistic electron. We found that, the count of relativistic electron flux (> 2 MeV) decreases during the main phase of geomagnetic storm with the increase in – from quiet to super intense storm – geomagnetic storm conditions (Table 1). However, Psw was found to be weakly correlated in case of intense storms following an abrupt increase of electron flux for ~ 4 hrs, which is interesting and unique.

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Tulsi Thapa, Binod Adhikari, Prashrit Baruwal, and Kiran Pudasainee

Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Tulsi Thapa, Binod Adhikari, Prashrit Baruwal, and Kiran Pudasainee
Tulsi Thapa, Binod Adhikari, Prashrit Baruwal, and Kiran Pudasainee


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Latest update: 28 Mar 2025

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