12 Jun 2019
 | 12 Jun 2019
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Combinatorial observation ionospheric characteristics during tropical cyclone Debbie passing eastern Australia in 2017 using GPS and ion sounder

Fuyang Ke, Jinling Wang, Kehe Wang, Jiujing Xu, Yong Wang, Xinzhi Wang, and Jian Deng

Abstract. The ionospheric morphology responses to tropical cyclone passing over eastern Australia, named as DEBBIE in 2017, is investigated using Global Positioning System (GPS) Slant Total Electron Content (STEC), GPS ionospheric scintillation S4 index and ionospheric characteristics by High Frequency (HF) radio. Based on the data analysis in this study, some significant morphological characteristics of ionospheric responses to tropical cyclone Debbie are identified as follows: a) As the GPS satellites PRN01 and PRN11 were passing above typhoon center, their ROTI (Rate of STEC index) is obviously increased. b) The S4 intensity of the GPS ionospheric scintillation is significantly enhanced on March 27, which mostly concentrate around tropical cyclone center and distribute over the region within 18 °S-25 °S. c) The stronger enhancement of f0F1 and f0F2 was observed by High Frequency at Townsville on March 28, when the distance between Townsville and the center of tropical cyclone Debbie was shorter. Regarding the coupling mechanism between the ionospheric disturbance and the tropical cyclone, it is suspected that the electric field perturbations due to turbulent top movement from tropical cyclones might generate ionospheric irregularity and disturbance. To a certain extent, some ionospheric irregularities can further produce bubbles.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Fuyang Ke, Jinling Wang, Kehe Wang, Jiujing Xu, Yong Wang, Xinzhi Wang, and Jian Deng

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Interactive discussion

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Fuyang Ke, Jinling Wang, Kehe Wang, Jiujing Xu, Yong Wang, Xinzhi Wang, and Jian Deng
Fuyang Ke, Jinling Wang, Kehe Wang, Jiujing Xu, Yong Wang, Xinzhi Wang, and Jian Deng


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Latest update: 28 Mar 2025

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Short summary
The morphological characteristics of ionospheric response to tropical cyclone Debbie passing eastern Australia in 2017 is investigated by GPS and ion sounder. The results agree with the previous viewpoint that tropical cyclone can trigger ionospheric disturbance. Considering the influence from the geomagnetic and solar activity, the turbulent top movement theory is utilized to explain how tropical cyclone causes ionospheric irregularity and further triggers ionospheric scintillations.