18 Sep 2019
 | 18 Sep 2019
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Annales Geophysicae (ANGEO). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Intercomparison of FY-3 and AIRS Gravity Wave Parameter Extraction Based on Three Methods

Shujie Chang, Zheng Sheng, Wei Ge, Wei Zhang, Yang He, and Zhixian Luo

Abstract. Two types of temperature profile products from the FY-3 (FengYun-3) satellite system, using GNOS and VASS, together with AIRS operational Level 2 data, are used to compare and analyze gravity wave parameters. The advantages and disadvantages of these three types of temperature profile data for gravity wave parameter extraction are determined, based on three extraction methods: vertical sliding average, double-filter and single-filter. By comparing the three methods, the conditions under which each dataset can be applied are obtained. Accurate gravity wave disturbance profiles cannot be obtained using the vertical sliding average method. The double-filter method can extract gravity waves in a vertical wavelength range from 2 to 10 km. The single-filter method can obtain gravity wave disturbances with vertical wavelengths less than 8 km. For all three gravity wave parameter extraction methods, the GNOS temperature profile product performs better in the lower layer of 5–35 km. From 35 to 65 km the AIRS temperature profile product is better than GNOS. Using the single-filter method, GNOS and AIRS filter out the vertical linear trend in the disturbance profile well, reflecting the advantages of a single filter. The vertical resolution of VASS is lower, but larger vertical scale components are retained.

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Shujie Chang, Zheng Sheng, Wei Ge, Wei Zhang, Yang He, and Zhixian Luo
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Shujie Chang, Zheng Sheng, Wei Ge, Wei Zhang, Yang He, and Zhixian Luo
Shujie Chang, Zheng Sheng, Wei Ge, Wei Zhang, Yang He, and Zhixian Luo


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Short summary
Two types of temperature profile products from the FY-3 (FengYun-3) satellite system, using GNOS and VASS, together with AIRS operational Level 2 data, are used to compare and analyze gravity wave parameters. The advantages and disadvantages of these three types of temperature profile data for gravity wave parameter extraction are determined, based on three extraction methods: vertical sliding average, double-filter and single-filter.