24 Jan 2019
 | 24 Jan 2019
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ANGEO. A final paper is not foreseen.

Decrease of total electron content during the 9 March 2016 total solar eclipse observed at low latitude stations, Indonesia

Wahyu Srigutomo, Alamta Singarimbun, Winda Meutia, I Gede Putu Fadjar Soerya Djaja, Buldan Muslim, and Prayitno Abadi

Abstract. The total solar eclipse on 9 March 2016 was a rare phenomenon that could be observed in 12 provinces in Indonesia. The decline in solar radiation to the earth during a total solar eclipse affects the amount of electron content (TEC) in the ionosphere. The ionospheric dynamics during the eclipse above Indonesia have been studied using data from 40 GPS stations distributed throughout the archipelago. It was observed that TEC decrease occurred over Indonesia during the occurrence of the total eclipse. This TEC decrease did not instigate ionoshperic scintillation. Moreover, the relationship between eclipse magnitude and TEC decrease throughout three GPS stations was analysed using PRN 24 and PRN 12 codes. Data analysis from each station reveals that the time required by the TEC to achieve maximum reduction since the initial contact of the eclipse is faster than the recovery time. The maximum TEC reduction came about several minutes after the maximum obscuration indicating that the recombination process was still ongoing even though the peak of the eclipse had happened. The magnitude of this decline is positively correlated with the geographical location of the stations and the relative satellite trajectory with respect to the total solar eclipse trajectory. The amount of TEC reduction is proportional to the magnitude of the eclipse which is directly related to the photoionization process. Because Indonesia is located in a low latitude magnetic equator region, the dynamics of the ionosphere above it is more complex due to the fountain effect. During the solar eclipse, the fountain effect declines disturbing the plasma transport from the magnetic equator to low latitude regions.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Wahyu Srigutomo, Alamta Singarimbun, Winda Meutia, I Gede Putu Fadjar Soerya Djaja, Buldan Muslim, and Prayitno Abadi

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Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
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Wahyu Srigutomo, Alamta Singarimbun, Winda Meutia, I Gede Putu Fadjar Soerya Djaja, Buldan Muslim, and Prayitno Abadi
Wahyu Srigutomo, Alamta Singarimbun, Winda Meutia, I Gede Putu Fadjar Soerya Djaja, Buldan Muslim, and Prayitno Abadi


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Latest update: 28 Mar 2025

This preprint has been withdrawn.

Short summary
Although solar eclipses often occur above Indonesia, observations on ionospheric dynamics during solar eclipse have not been widely carried out. The results contained in this research, such as information related to the decrease of total electron conrent (both temporally and spatially) and scintillation behavior when facing a unique phenomenon such as solar eclipse can be used as a reference for the next solar eclipse not only for Indonesia but also for another region.