19 Jun 2018
 | 19 Jun 2018
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Singular variations in geomagnetic disturbance content at auroral latitudes

Abraham Abraham, Gangadharan Renuka, Cherian Ligi, Joseph Mathew Tiju, Anie Varghese Asha, S. B. Chandran Rakesh, and Varghese Blessy

Abstract. The geomagnetic field consists of temporal variations induced primarily by the variations in the interplanetary magnetic field. This paper attempts to develop the latitude profile of fluctuations in the geomagnetic field for 34 observatories across the Earth during solar cycle 23 (1997–2008). It is noticed that the disturbance content is low for equatorial stations and high for auroral stations. We show that the latitude profile of disturbance exhibits `Knee’ behaviour, with the fluctuation content rising sharply beyond this critical latitude. The threshold latitude beyond which the stations are subject to high geomagnetic disturbance and hence become increasingly susceptible to associated geo-electric hazard is precisely determined near 52° latitude. The pattern of increasing geomagnetic fluctuations however ends around the auroral oval beyond where singular variations are observed.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Abraham Abraham, Gangadharan Renuka, Cherian Ligi, Joseph Mathew Tiju, Anie Varghese Asha, S. B. Chandran Rakesh, and Varghese Blessy

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Interactive discussion

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Abraham Abraham, Gangadharan Renuka, Cherian Ligi, Joseph Mathew Tiju, Anie Varghese Asha, S. B. Chandran Rakesh, and Varghese Blessy
Abraham Abraham, Gangadharan Renuka, Cherian Ligi, Joseph Mathew Tiju, Anie Varghese Asha, S. B. Chandran Rakesh, and Varghese Blessy


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Latest update: 06 Feb 2025

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Short summary
The disturbance in geomagnetic field is quantified using the newly introduced Vertical Variance (VV) method. Latitude profile of geomagnetic disturbance for 34 stations across the Earth is developed. The latitude profile developed is employed to determine the latitudes which are subject to high geomagnetic disturbance. The geomagnetic disturbance however falls singularly at the auroral latitudes. This singular variation is explored and investigated.