Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ANGEO but the revision was not accepted.
Non-linear Effects in Electromagnetic Wave Activity Observed in the RELEC Experiment on-board Vernov Mission
Mikhail I. Panasyuk,Sergey I. Svertilov,Stanislav I. Klimov,Valery A. Grushin,Denis I. Novikov,Yuri Y. Ruzhin,Yuri M. Mikhailov,Csaba Ferencz,Peter Szegedi,Valery E. Korepanov,Vitaly V. Bogomolov,Gali K. Garipov,Serhiy V. Belyayev,and Olexander N. Demidov
Abstract. The experiments on-board Vernov satellite were aimed on the study of high energy (relativistic and sub-relativistic) electron acceleration and losses in the trapped radiation areas as well as high altitude electric discharges in the upper Atmosphere. A separate task was study electromagnetic-wave phenomena in the near Earth space and the upper Atmosphere. During observations on 10 December 2014 interesting phenomena were discovered. They are connected to non-linear effects in wave activity of the type of two or three wave decays as well as splitting into two wave structures. Whistlers with specific unusual temporal structure of swallowtail type were observed on the spectral diagrams (sonograms), which were obtained for this time. It was shown that such signals can be caused by seismic activity. The signals of the type of whistler with long tail were also observed. Such signals were also detected by ground stations.
Received: 19 Oct 2018 – Discussion started: 15 Nov 2018
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Mikhail I. Panasyuk,Sergey I. Svertilov,Stanislav I. Klimov,Valery A. Grushin,Denis I. Novikov,Yuri Y. Ruzhin,Yuri M. Mikhailov,Csaba Ferencz,Peter Szegedi,Valery E. Korepanov,Vitaly V. Bogomolov,Gali K. Garipov,Serhiy V. Belyayev,and Olexander N. Demidov
Mikhail I. Panasyuk,Sergey I. Svertilov,Stanislav I. Klimov,Valery A. Grushin,Denis I. Novikov,Yuri Y. Ruzhin,Yuri M. Mikhailov,Csaba Ferencz,Peter Szegedi,Valery E. Korepanov,Vitaly V. Bogomolov,Gali K. Garipov,Serhiy V. Belyayev,and Olexander N. Demidov
Mikhail I. Panasyuk,Sergey I. Svertilov,Stanislav I. Klimov,Valery A. Grushin,Denis I. Novikov,Yuri Y. Ruzhin,Yuri M. Mikhailov,Csaba Ferencz,Peter Szegedi,Valery E. Korepanov,Vitaly V. Bogomolov,Gali K. Garipov,Serhiy V. Belyayev,and Olexander N. Demidov
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Mikhail I. Panasyuk
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, D. V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department
Sergey I. Svertilov
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, D. V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department
Stanislav I. Klimov
Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Valery A. Grushin
Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Denis I. Novikov
Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Yuri Y. Ruzhin
N. V. Puchkov Institute of the Earth magnetism, Ionosphere and radio-wave propagation, Russian Academy of Science, Troitsk, Russia
Yuri M. Mikhailov
N. V. Puchkov Institute of the Earth magnetism, Ionosphere and radio-wave propagation, Russian Academy of Science, Troitsk, Russia
Csaba Ferencz
Eötvös University, Space Research Group, Budapest, Hungary
During observations of the electromagnetic waves onboard Vernov satellite in 2014 some interesting phenomena were discovered. They are connected to non-linear effects in wave activity of the type of two or three wave decays as well as splitting into two wave structures. Whistlers with specific unusual temporal structure of swallowtail type were observed. It was shown that such signals can be caused by seismic activity.
During observations of the electromagnetic waves onboard Vernov satellite in 2014 some...