Articles | Volume 22, issue 7
14 Jul 2004
 | 14 Jul 2004

Spatial and temporal properties of AKR burst emission derived from Cluster WBD VLBI studies

R. L. Mutel, D. A. Gurnett, and I. W. Christopher

Abstract. We have determined the locations of over 6000 individual auroral kilometric radiation (AKR) bursts between July 2002 and May 2003 using a very long baseline interferometer (VLBI) array. Burst locations were determined by triangulation using differential delays from cross-correlated Cluster WBD waveforms. Typical position uncertainties are 200-400km in the plane normal to the source-spacecraft line, but much larger along this line. The AKR bursts are generally located above the auroral zone with a strong preference for the evening sector (22:00 MLT±2h). However, a few epochs imaged during the austral summer have loci in the daytime sector, especially near 15:00 MLT. There is marginal evidence for a small N-S hemispheric asymmetry in mean MLT and invariant latitude.