Articles | Volume 22, issue 6
14 Jun 2004
 | 14 Jun 2004

In situ measurements of sub-meter plasma waves over low-latitude ionosphere during Leonid-99 meteor storm

S. P. Gupta, R. Sekar, and Y. B. Acharya

Abstract. In situ probe measurements of plasma parameters were carried out on 18 and 20 November 1999 from Sriharikota, India, a low-latitude rocket launching station to investigate the effect of a Leonid meteor storm. Results obtained on plasma waves using a high frequency Langmuir probe are discussed. The characteristics of the sub-meter scale size plasma waves observed for the first time during Leonid meteor storm are presented. Based on the results obtained from both the rocket flights and comparison with the results obtained from previous rocket flights from the same location, it appears these sub-meter waves are associated with intense meteoric activity. A possible mechanism based on the dependence of the meteoric activity and its limitations are discussed.