Articles | Volume 20, issue 9
Special issue:
30 Sep 2002
 | 30 Sep 2002

EISCAT measurements of solar wind velocity and the associated level of interplanetary scintillation

R. A. Fallows, P. J. S. Williams, and A. R. Breen

Abstract. A relative scintillation index can be derived from EISCAT observations of Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) usually used to study the solar wind velocity. This provides an ideal opportunity to compare reliable measurements of the solar wind velocity derived for a number of points along the line-of-sight with measurements of the overall level of scintillation. By selecting those occasions where either slow- or fast-stream scattering was dominant, it is shown that at distances from the Sun greater than 30 RS , in both cases the scintillation index fell with increasing distance as a simple power law, typically as R-1.7. The level of scintillation for slow-stream scattering is found to be 2.3 times the level for fast-stream scattering.

Key words. Interplanetary physics (solar wind plasma)

Special issue