20 Dec 2024
 | 20 Dec 2024
Status: a revised version of this preprint is currently under review for the journal ANGEO.

Small- and meso-scale field-aligned auroral current structures, their spatial and temporal characteristics deduced by Swarm constellation

Hermann Lühr and Yun-Liang Zhou

Abstract. Magnetic field recordings by the Swarm A and C spacecraft during the Counter Rotation Orbit phase are used for checking the stationarity of auroral region small-and meso-scale field-aligned currents (FAC). The varying separation between the spacecraft in along- and cross-track direction during this constellation phase allow for determining the spatial and temporal correlation lengths for FAC structures of different along-track wavelengths. We make use of the cross‐correlation analysis to check the agreement of the magnetic signatures at the two spacecraft. When the cross-correlation coefficient exceeds 0.75 at a time lag that equals the along-track time difference, the event is identified as stationary. It is found that meso-scale FACs of along-track wavelength >100 km are primarily stable for more than 40 s and over cross-track separations of 20 km. An important reason for their deselection is the latitudinal motion of the current system. Conversely, stable small-scale FACs (10–75 km wavelength) are found primarily only in a very limited space, up to about 12 km in cross-track and ~18 s in along-track time difference. This class of small-scale FACs is the typical one found commonly in the cusp region and near the midnight sector. Not all the FACs within this limited spatial and temporal regime are stable. In particular for those with high current density occurring during enhanced solar wind input we do not find equivalent signatures at the accompanying satellite. They seem to represent narrow solitary Alfvén wave features.

Competing interests: There may well be competing interest with respect to the content of the manuscript with Adrian Blagau and Octav Marghitu, . They should not be considered as reviewers.

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Hermann Lühr and Yun-Liang Zhou

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on angeo-2024-28', Anonymous Referee #1, 16 Jan 2025
  • RC2: 'Comment on angeo-2024-28', Anonymous Referee #2, 06 Feb 2025
Hermann Lühr and Yun-Liang Zhou
Hermann Lühr and Yun-Liang Zhou


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Short summary
The study makes use of magnetic field data from the closely spaced Swarm A and C spacecraft during the counter rotating orbit phase. It allows to investigate the spatial and temporal correlation lengths of small- and meso-scale FAC structures at auroral latitudes. Stability features of small-scale FACs (10–70 km wavelength) are: temporal <18 s, correlation length <12 km. For meso-scale FACs (100–300 km wavelength) we obtain a stationarity of >40 s and correlation length >42 km.