11 Sep 2024
 | 11 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ANGEO.

Supernova effects on middle and upper atmospheric nitric oxide and stratospheric ozone

David E. Siskind, McArthur Jones Jr., and Jeffrey W. Reep

Abstract. We provide a quantitative test of the recent suggestion (Brunton et al., 2023) that supernovae could significantly disrupt planetary ozone layers through a multi-month flux of soft X-rays that produce ozone-destroying odd nitrogen (e.g. NO and NO2). Since soft X-rays do not directly penetrate down to the ozone layer, this effect would be indirect and require downward transport of NOx from the mesosphere. Mirroring previous studies of the indirect effects of energetic particle precipitation (EPP-IE), we call this the X-ray Indirect Effect (Xray-IE). We use the NCAR Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIME-GCM) to simulate the production of NO and its transport into the stratosphere. We model the soft X-ray flux as if it were a multi-month long solar flare and use our previously developed solar flare model to simulate the soft X-ray enhancement. Our results yield significant enhancement in stratospheric odd nitrogen, most dramatically in the Southern Hemisphere. The most global effects are seen in the upper stratosphere at pressure surfaces between 1–3 hPa (about 42–48 km) consistent with previous observations of the EPP-IE. We then use a detailed stratospheric photochemistry model to quantify the effects of this NOx enhancement on ozone. Widespread ozone reductions of 8–15 % are indicated; however, because these are limited to the upper edges of the ozone layer, the effects on the ozone column are limited to 1–2 %. We thus conclude that the effects of a multi-month X-ray event on biologically damaging UV radiation at the surface is also likely to be small.

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David E. Siskind, McArthur Jones Jr., and Jeffrey W. Reep

Status: open (until 12 Nov 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on angeo-2024-15', Anonymous Referee #1, 23 Sep 2024 reply
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', David Siskind, 10 Oct 2024 reply
David E. Siskind, McArthur Jones Jr., and Jeffrey W. Reep
David E. Siskind, McArthur Jones Jr., and Jeffrey W. Reep


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Short summary
This study tests a recent suggestion that multi-month soft X ray emissions from supernovae can destroy planetary ozone layers. To test this, we assume a year long solar flare and evaluate the production of nitric oxide in the upper atmosphere and its transport down to the stratosphere. Our results suggest widespread catalytic destruction of ozone; however, these effects are limited to the upper edge of the ozone layer (near 40 km). Thus the total column is only slightly affected (1–2 %).