18 Jul 2023
 | 18 Jul 2023
Status: a revised version of this preprint was accepted for the journal ANGEO.

Comparison of meteor radar and TIDI winds in the Brazilian equatorial region

Ana Roberta Paulino, Delis Otildes Rodrigues, Igo Paulino, Lourivaldo Mota Lima, Ricardo Arlen Buriti, Paulo Prado Batista, Aaron Ridley, and Chen Wu

Abstract. Using data collected from a meteor radar deployed at São João do Cariri (7.4°, 36.5° S) and the TIMED Doppler Interferometer (TIDI) on board the Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite for 2006, comparisons of the horizontal winds (meridional and zonal components) were made in order to evaluate these techniques for scientific investigation and pointed out advantages of each instrument. A grid of ± 5 degrees of latitude and longitude centered at São João do Cariri was used to calculate the mean winds from the TIDI, which have a resolution of 2.5 km altitude starting from 82.5 km up to 102 km altitude. Otherwise, the meteor radar computes the winds for 7 layers of 4 km thickness overlapping 0.5 km above and below, which produces layers spaced by 3 km from 81 to 99 km altitude. When almost simultaneous measurements were compared, substantial discrepancies were observed in the vertical wind profiles. It happened because the meteor radar uses one hour bin size to estimate the wind from the echoes detected in the whole sky. While the TIDI measures instantaneous winds from the airglow emissions. In contrast, when the longer period of observation was taken into account, the meteor radar daily winds, averaged within a time interval of one month, were smoothed and showed more clearly the characteristics of the propagation of tides. The responses of the horizontal wind to the intraseasonal, semiannual and annual oscillations were satisfactory for the both techniques.

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Ana Roberta Paulino, Delis Otildes Rodrigues, Igo Paulino, Lourivaldo Mota Lima, Ricardo Arlen Buriti, Paulo Prado Batista, Aaron Ridley, and Chen Wu

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on angeo-2023-23', Anonymous Referee #1, 18 Aug 2023
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Ana Roberta Paulino, 20 Dec 2023
  • RC2: 'Comment on angeo-2023-23', Anonymous Referee #2, 06 Nov 2023
    • AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Ana Roberta Paulino, 20 Dec 2023
Ana Roberta Paulino, Delis Otildes Rodrigues, Igo Paulino, Lourivaldo Mota Lima, Ricardo Arlen Buriti, Paulo Prado Batista, Aaron Ridley, and Chen Wu
Ana Roberta Paulino, Delis Otildes Rodrigues, Igo Paulino, Lourivaldo Mota Lima, Ricardo Arlen Buriti, Paulo Prado Batista, Aaron Ridley, and Chen Wu


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Short summary
Comparisons of wind measurements using two different techniques (ground based radar and satellite) in Brasil during 2006 were made in order to point out the advantage of each instrument for studies in the mesosphere and upper thermosphere. (i) For short period variations, the measurements of the satellite was more advantageous. (ii) The month climatology using the radar were more appropriate. (iii) If the long period (longer than few months), both instruments responded satisfactorily.